Central Catholic High School

Our Mission
As a Christ-centered community rooted in the Catholic faith, we promote lifelong learning through spiritual, personal, and academic excellence in a safe environment while fostering respect, responsibility, and integrity.
Central Catholic High School, part of the Diocese of Peoria, has a rich tradition and history. We are a private, parochial school situated in the combined communities of Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. Located in Central Illinois, we are the only Catholic high school in McLean County serving five supporting parishes and multiple surrounding communities. Our school is a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the Illinois High School Association. Central Catholic consistently ranks in the top 7% of the Washington Post’s Most Challenging High Schools in America. In 2017, Central Catholic High School was named a National Blue Ribbon School.
Our Vision
- Be known for comprehensive curriculum options that will appropriately challenge all students.
- Make a CCHS education affordable for all families desiring Catholic secondary education.
- Maintain and build enrollment with the ultimate goal of reaching school capacity.
- Cultivate an inclusive Catholic community of friends, alumni, prospective families, and current families that are interested, involved, and invested in CCHS.
- Be the school of choice for Catholic families in the Bloomington/Normal area.
Learn more about Central Catholic by visiting their website.