Our Mission
The Parish Stewardship Council was created to be a guide for leading our parish to use our gifts of time, talent, and treasure. The Council helped to develop our mission statement as a source for all that we do. Our mission statement is:
Rooted in the Most Holy Eucharist and the other Sacraments, St. Patrick Church of Merna welcomes all to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through stewardship, by loving and serving others through our God-given gifts.
Living a life of stewardship allows us to grow in faith by focusing on the three aspects of how we spend our time, how we use our talent, and how we spend our treasure.
Time deepens our personal relationship with God through prayer and other spiritual activities.
- Pray every day. Schedule quiet time with God!
- Read more often from the Bible or about the lives of saints.
- Attend Mass every weekend, participating with your best effort.
- Talk to your family about spending time in prayer.
Talent is sharing the unique gifts (talents) God has given to each of us to serve others and help make a positive difference every day.
- Get Involved in a parish ministry.
- Volunteer in one of our parish ministries
- Talk to your family about ways that you can give back to the church or our community by sharing your gifts.
Treasure is putting God first in our finances in gratitude for the assets He has blessed us with and the ability to earn these assets.
- Discuss how you and your family can give financially.
- Donate to the different service projects offered in our parish.